
Router VPN virtual internal address setting and penetrate the network

To talk about today is how to make the single card VPN server will give a virtual internal address access client through VPN server address conversion to go out.
One, the so-called penetrate the network, is the VPN Client can be used in an internal address within a network, while the VPN server is located in a public legal IP address, the series is to dial a VPN server, and then dial the second VPN servers.AIR-LAP1262N-C-K9
To achieve two, in the WIN2000 system by netsh.exe, the specific command:
(1) Netsh Ras ip set addrassign method = pool;
Allocation of IP address pool;
(2) Netsh Ras IP add range from = to =;
From to are address pool area, here is a virtual internal address pool;
(3) Netsh routing IP NAT install;
Installation of the NAT protocol;
(4) Netsh routing IP NAT add interface= mode =full local connection;
Set the local connection this card for external network adapter address and port translation, note that the remoteregistry service must be in the starting state;
(5) Netsh routing IP NAT add interface= mode=private;
Set up the virtual network adapter for the internal address, this card is the operating system virtual a invisible card.

Three, for the PPTP VPN, can penetrate the network, also can be connected in series, the L2TP/IPsec mode of the VPN using the NAT-T technology, can make L2TP/IPsec VPN can pass through the network, also can be connected in series.cisco wholesale

